dijous, 28 de maig del 2015

My World: My favourite film

My favourite film since i've seen it is Avatar, I just fell in love with that film beacuse i really like the way its done, and its story. It's the kind of film that I really like, colours. I didn't dislike anything of the film.
I like the part when human go in special boxes and they transform into a blue coloured giant and they appear in another place. Its like the perfect place, mountain, nature, animals, etc.
When human try to destroy the "Avatar's village" its like really sad because they can really defend theirselves.
But, what happens finally it's really striking because animal from Eiowa (Avatar's village) help them to win that battle against humans.
Finally I like this film because of they way the film progresses, and last but not least the great job the producers and directors did.
It has been on of the most expensive films of all time.

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