dijous, 22 de gener del 2015

Shakespeare's Life

Shakespeare was born in the 23th of 1564 in Stratford, near London.
His family was "well-off", his father called John Shakespeare he used to work as a glovemaker, shop keeper, Land owner and Baliff (mayor) of Stratford.
His mother, called Mary Arden inherited land which was bequethed to William.
 He had 7 brothers and sisters.
He got married with Anne Hathaway on November 1582 and they had 3 children.
He lived in London most of his life and had a little to do with Stratford, althought he became it's third largest landowner, and eventually retired there. By 1592, he was recognized as a successful actor on the London stage, as well as a leading poet. He wrote at least 38 plays. He revolutionized the English stage with his framatic and poetic genius. My favourite Shakespeare's play is "Romeo and Juliet".
William Shakespeare

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