dijous, 29 de gener del 2015

A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Stonehenge, In Wiltshire

Are among the most famous groups of megaliths in the world. The two sanctuaries consist of circles of menhirs arranged in a pattern whose astronomical significance is still being explored. These holy places and the nearby Neolithic sites are an incomparable testimony to prehistoric times.

Is internationally important for its complexes of outstanding prehistoric monuments. 
Stonehenge is the most architecturally sophisticated prehistoric stone circle in the world, while Avebury is the largest. Together with inter-related monuments, and their associated landscapes, they demonstrate Neolithic and Bronze Age ceremonial and mortuary practices resulting from around 2000 years of continuous use and monument building between circa 3700 and 1600 BC.

I would like to go there, because I think it's beautiful and its a very 
good place to visit

dijous, 22 de gener del 2015

Shakespeare's Life

Shakespeare was born in the 23th of 1564 in Stratford, near London.
His family was "well-off", his father called John Shakespeare he used to work as a glovemaker, shop keeper, Land owner and Baliff (mayor) of Stratford.
His mother, called Mary Arden inherited land which was bequethed to William.
 He had 7 brothers and sisters.
He got married with Anne Hathaway on November 1582 and they had 3 children.
He lived in London most of his life and had a little to do with Stratford, althought he became it's third largest landowner, and eventually retired there. By 1592, he was recognized as a successful actor on the London stage, as well as a leading poet. He wrote at least 38 plays. He revolutionized the English stage with his framatic and poetic genius. My favourite Shakespeare's play is "Romeo and Juliet".
William Shakespeare