divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014

Differences between the book and film

 The principal difference that there is in he book, is that the book takes place in a very little town called Verona, and the film takes place in a big city in America

 In the film the water symbolize the calm, relaxed situation without tension (beach), intimate moment between Romeo and Juliet (swimming pool and aquarium), and the end of the bad charecters (when it begins to rain). The fire symbolize the begining of battels between Capulets and Montagues and the tragedy and the death. In the night there was the moon, in this situation the environment was relaxed, calm and warm.

 In the film all the charecters told in verse and in prose, but Romeo, Juliet and the Friar were who told more in verse. The narrator was the woman news reporte.  In the book all the charecters talked in verse every time. 

The fancy dress party: Romeo was dressed up as a knight, Juliet was disguised as an angel, Paris as an Astronaut, and Tybalt as a devil.

 In the film, the utensils are very different than the book. The swords are guns, the horses are cars and the castles are the most expensive houses, the forest is a beach and the Prince is a policeman. 

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