dijous, 18 de desembre del 2014

Hard selling and Soft selling

Applying psychological pressure (by appealing to someone's fears, greed, or vanity) to persuade the prospect to make a quick purchase decision. This approach is justified on the groundthat most people are lazy and will postpone making a decision even if it were in their best interest to make the commitment. This practice is, however, reviled when its sole purpose is the salesperson's gain at the customer's detriment. Also called high pressure selling. 

Sales philosophy oriented toward identifying the customer's expressed and tacit needs and wants, through probing questions and careful listening. It contrasts with hard selling which promotes application of psychological pressure to generate a relatively quick sale.

dijous, 4 de desembre del 2014

My world: My favourite song

                                                                                                                                                                    I like this song because it's a song that appears in NBA matches, and basketball is my favourite sport. I like this type of rap, and speacially if it's basketball music

My world: Basketball

Basketball is my favourite sport because I just love it how it is and because I play with all my friends, but the best thing is that we play like a team. We have really good times but most of the time you have to be concentrated in the game.I've been playing basketball since I was 7 years old and I hope I can continue playing for the rest of my life. I also watch in TV, my favourite player is Kyrie Irving, for me he's the world best player, he's been MVP ( Most Valuable Player) in most of the matches he played.

My World: Racism

Racism is a bad thing in he world, i'm not racist so i don't have any problems with this type of things.
But there's a lot of racists in the world, for my opinion the racism it's a horrible thing. Cause for exemple black men can go anywhere where the white people go. So I think its a fault of respect for this people. In my case i'm not racist,I have black friends and they're really friendly.

The Ring

Katie and her friend Becca are having a sleepover in Becca's home. Becca recounts the story of a supposedly cursed videotape. Anyone who watches the tape gets a mysterious phone call and then dies seven days later. Katie reveals that she had watched the tape the previous week. The phone rings, startling the girls, but it is only Katie's mom. After talking with her mother, Katie returns upstairs and dies

Why did we like it?
Because it represents a revenge from the girl to man that used to live in that house, because the mom of this girl threw her in a well and this man built a light house . And when the girl came out wanted to kill everyone that lived in that house.

dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014

Comic Relief

1. What is the comic relief?
Comic relief usually means a releasing of emotional or other tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of serious or tragic elements in a drama.

2. Why is it often used in horror films?
Sometimes comic relief characters will appear in fiction that is comic. This generally occurs when the work enters a dramatic moment, but the character continues to be comical regardless.

3. Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example?
Yes, in the Exorcist, I laughed a lot because its funny when she truns around her head, and she vomits everywhere.

Suspense: PSYCHO

1.Who's the director of this movie PSYCHO?
The director is Alfred Hitchcock.

2.What type of characters did he often use in horror films?
Insane people and crazy people, Vertigo, Marnie...
Serial killers, Psycho, Frenzy...

3.What tecnique did he use with the camera?
Perhaps Hitchcock’s most important contribution to horror films was his frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision

dijous, 6 de novembre del 2014

The Uninvited

I am at a party, but all I want to do is get home. And then I hear my mother's bell. I got to find her. She's  alone. She's not supposed to be alone. I run up to the house to find my dad. There is something wrong. It doesn't feel safe. There is something evil in the house.

divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014

Are dreams are possible?

My dream is to become a porfessional NBA basketball player in the USA, I know that is a difficult dream, but I think with effort I can make it possible, It would be great to play in the NBA, apart of money, I would have fun playing with professional and famous players.
I would be on TV, on the newspaper, everywhere!
My inspiration from the NBA, is a player called Kyrie Irving, he is a player from the Cleveland Cavaliers, he's one of the most best players in the world.
Actually i'm playing in CBCastelló, is a little team, in a little town.
We play really good  all together, we a friendly team and I hope we play all together in the NBA.

dijous, 9 d’octubre del 2014

Animal in me


Scientific Name

Euarctos Americanus

Collective Term

A maul of bears

Careers & Hobbies

  • P.E. Teacher
  • Teaching
  • Military
  • Camping
  • Outdoor Activities                    
  • Sleeping                                  

  • As youngsters, bears excel in sports,   
  • although their propensities for laziness                                                relegates them to being and observer                                                  and observer and fan in later life.                                                                   

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2014


My hero is my dad, he is called Gavin. He's my hero because since I was born we have been more than a son and father, we've been like best friends. And when I was 3 years old he start talking to me in English, because he is from Scotland, and he knows good English.
He treat me really good so I fell in love with him, he's so funny ans he is just like me.
He is always joking to everyone, maybe that's why he has so many friends. He helps me when I have problems about anything. I hope he is my hero all my life.

dijous, 25 de setembre del 2014

My Bucket List

I'll write 10 things I want to do before kicking the bucket:

1- Atend to Tomorrowland Festival
2- Meet LeBron James (Professional Basketball player, NBA)
3- Travel to England and United States of America
4- Try to become a professional basket player
5- Get a GWR (Guiness World Record)
6- Road Trip around the world with my friends, in a van
7- Have a monkey as a pet
8- Create my own space of life
9- Be a professional water ski rider
10- Travel to a poor country and help them

divendres, 11 d’abril del 2014

Differences between the book and film

 The principal difference that there is in he book, is that the book takes place in a very little town called Verona, and the film takes place in a big city in America

 In the film the water symbolize the calm, relaxed situation without tension (beach), intimate moment between Romeo and Juliet (swimming pool and aquarium), and the end of the bad charecters (when it begins to rain). The fire symbolize the begining of battels between Capulets and Montagues and the tragedy and the death. In the night there was the moon, in this situation the environment was relaxed, calm and warm.

 In the film all the charecters told in verse and in prose, but Romeo, Juliet and the Friar were who told more in verse. The narrator was the woman news reporte.  In the book all the charecters talked in verse every time. 

The fancy dress party: Romeo was dressed up as a knight, Juliet was disguised as an angel, Paris as an Astronaut, and Tybalt as a devil.

 In the film, the utensils are very different than the book. The swords are guns, the horses are cars and the castles are the most expensive houses, the forest is a beach and the Prince is a policeman. 

divendres, 21 de març del 2014

My new year resolutions

My new year resolutions are: going to the gym, and get fit. I'll try to pass all the subjects and try to don't fail any one. I have to train more basketball i've i want to become a good player.
I want to have a lot of fun with my friends this year, and I hope this summer i don't have to do anything related with studies,because i'll pass them all.