divendres, 29 de maig del 2015

My world: My hobbies

I really like sports, all kind of them.
But i basically like Basketball as my favourite sport, when i play I feel like in another world. I am a really friendly person, so I like to meet foreign persons, I really like disco's and parties.
I like a lot animals, specially dogs, they are my favourite.
When i'm bored i go out with my friends in the town.
I usually ride my bycicle or I go running, to get phisicallly good.
Finally my favourite subject is P.E

dijous, 28 de maig del 2015

My World: My favourite film

My favourite film since i've seen it is Avatar, I just fell in love with that film beacuse i really like the way its done, and its story. It's the kind of film that I really like, colours. I didn't dislike anything of the film.
I like the part when human go in special boxes and they transform into a blue coloured giant and they appear in another place. Its like the perfect place, mountain, nature, animals, etc.
When human try to destroy the "Avatar's village" its like really sad because they can really defend theirselves.
But, what happens finally it's really striking because animal from Eiowa (Avatar's village) help them to win that battle against humans.
Finally I like this film because of they way the film progresses, and last but not least the great job the producers and directors did.
It has been on of the most expensive films of all time.

My photographer Power Point

dijous, 14 de maig del 2015

Romeo & Juliet PodcastRomeo & Juliet

Digital Books vs Paper Books

The single most important difference is that print books have static layouts, where as ebooks have dynamic layouts. This is because most esbooks are formatted with reflowable text.

A reflowable text is "the ability to automatically wrap words in a document to the next line as the user changes the window size an thereby relocates margin of the page.

Because the ebook text “flows” to adjusts to the size of the screen, ebooks do not have pages as in a print book. Since they do not have pages, they do not have page numbers. As they do not have page numbers, one cannot use page numbers as a means of navigating and referencing in a table of contents or index. Instead, one has a table of contents that is hyperlinked to the individual chapters and/or sections of the book. Instead of an index, the reader will use the ereader’s search function to search for specific words or topics.

As ebooks do not have pages, there are a few other things found in ebooks are different in print books. There aren’t headers or footers in an ebook. Footnotes become “end notes”. Also, to ensure the predictability of placement, images must be in line with the text and centered. Most eReaders at this time do not accept charts, tables and columns, so these must be converted into an image first.

Readers also have the use of the ereader's search function to navigate throughout the book.

dilluns, 11 de maig del 2015

Prize Winning Picture

8 June 1972, a plane bombed the village of Trang Bang, near Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) in South Vietnam after the South Vietnamese pilot mistook a group of civilians leaving the temple for enemy troops.
The bombs contained napalm, a highly flammable fuel, which killed and badly burned the people on the ground.
The iconic black-and-white image taken of children fleeing the scene won the Pulitzer Prize and was chosen as the World Press Photo of the Year in 1972.
It communicated the horrors of the Vietnam War in a way words never could, helping to end one of the most divisive wars in American history and later becoming a symbol of the cruelty of all wars for children and civilian victims.
In the centre of the photo was a nine year old girl, who ran naked down the highway after stripping off her burning clothes. Kim Phuc Phan Thi was with her family at the pagoda attending a religious celebration when the plane struck and lost several relatives in the attack.