dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014

Comic Relief

1. What is the comic relief?
Comic relief usually means a releasing of emotional or other tension resulting from a comic episode interposed in the midst of serious or tragic elements in a drama.

2. Why is it often used in horror films?
Sometimes comic relief characters will appear in fiction that is comic. This generally occurs when the work enters a dramatic moment, but the character continues to be comical regardless.

3. Do you remember laughing in horror films? Can you think of an example?
Yes, in the Exorcist, I laughed a lot because its funny when she truns around her head, and she vomits everywhere.

Suspense: PSYCHO

1.Who's the director of this movie PSYCHO?
The director is Alfred Hitchcock.

2.What type of characters did he often use in horror films?
Insane people and crazy people, Vertigo, Marnie...
Serial killers, Psycho, Frenzy...

3.What tecnique did he use with the camera?
Perhaps Hitchcock’s most important contribution to horror films was his frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision

dijous, 6 de novembre del 2014

The Uninvited

I am at a party, but all I want to do is get home. And then I hear my mother's bell. I got to find her. She's  alone. She's not supposed to be alone. I run up to the house to find my dad. There is something wrong. It doesn't feel safe. There is something evil in the house.