divendres, 31 d’octubre del 2014

Are dreams are possible?

My dream is to become a porfessional NBA basketball player in the USA, I know that is a difficult dream, but I think with effort I can make it possible, It would be great to play in the NBA, apart of money, I would have fun playing with professional and famous players.
I would be on TV, on the newspaper, everywhere!
My inspiration from the NBA, is a player called Kyrie Irving, he is a player from the Cleveland Cavaliers, he's one of the most best players in the world.
Actually i'm playing in CBCastelló, is a little team, in a little town.
We play really good  all together, we a friendly team and I hope we play all together in the NBA.

dijous, 9 d’octubre del 2014

Animal in me


Scientific Name

Euarctos Americanus

Collective Term

A maul of bears

Careers & Hobbies

  • P.E. Teacher
  • Teaching
  • Military
  • Camping
  • Outdoor Activities                    
  • Sleeping                                  

  • As youngsters, bears excel in sports,   
  • although their propensities for laziness                                                relegates them to being and observer                                                  and observer and fan in later life.                                                                   

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2014


My hero is my dad, he is called Gavin. He's my hero because since I was born we have been more than a son and father, we've been like best friends. And when I was 3 years old he start talking to me in English, because he is from Scotland, and he knows good English.
He treat me really good so I fell in love with him, he's so funny ans he is just like me.
He is always joking to everyone, maybe that's why he has so many friends. He helps me when I have problems about anything. I hope he is my hero all my life.